Current housing is: Loras College, 1450 Alta Vista Street, Dubuque, IA
- The updated 2015 Cook Calendar is available under Important Links on the right.
- We are short of volunteers to work on the cooktruck June 5 through June 19. Contact Bill via email( or phone (651-470-3553).
- Mail Drop address for today through July 7:
General Delivery
Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
(Member Name)
P.O. Box 515
Dubuque, IA 52004-0515
Today's Schedule
7:30AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:30AM - Brass & percussion stretch in stadium; guard leave for remote field
9:00 AM - Sectionals - brass in field #2 & percussion in stadium
12:30 PM - Meal 2 Brass & percussion; lunch brought to field for guard
1:30 PM - Brass & percussion visual in stadium
5:00 PM - Meal 3 Brass & percussion; guard depart for Loras
5:30 PM - Meal 3 Guard
6:00 PM - Brass & percussion sectional in stadium
6:30 PM - Guard sectional in grassy area
8:00 PM - Brass sectional in stadium
9:00 PM - After hours block in stadium TBA
10:00 PM - Meal 4
11:30AM - Lights out
What's being served?
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Scrambled Egg Bake
Meal 2
Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Green Bean Casserole
Meal 3
Chicken Alfredo
Garlic Toast
Meal 4
Tater Tot Taco
Easy Apple Crisp
DCI's Best Volunteers
Gary Metzger
Ross Sample
Bob Dingmann
Pam Swick