Friday, August 08, 2008

Today is Friday, August 8; it's semifinals

We are in Bloomington, IN

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Today's Menu


Meal 2
Deli sandwiches
Potato chips

Meal 3
Bread sticks

Meal 4
Garlic herb chicken
Cheesey potatoes

Photo by David S

Today's Schedule
7:30 Breakfast
8:15 Stretch
8:35 Vis
9:45 Sectionals
11 Meal 2
11:45 Warmup
12 Ensemble
1:30 Meal 3/pack/load
3 Depart
3:45 Warmup
5:35 Gate
5:51 Perform

Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Diane H
Lori C
Peggy F
Luba S
Bill S
Betty H
Margo W
Lorrie M
Tammy M
Sue H
and, and, and

Today's News
The corps was spending some time this morning reading lots and lots of well wishes from lots of you that Greg posted as emails on the side of the cooktruck this morning. Thanks to all your support. The kids really appreciate it.

It was much cooler this morning, with kids in light jackets and hoodies while they ate breakfast. Good day for semis.

They held the triangle ceremony last night, with Greg reading a couple of emails (one from Olaf) and talking to the corps about what a wonderful year they've had. And reminding them that it's done tomorrow, one way or another. Go Red Team!

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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