Monday, April 20, 2009

Updated Calendar & Simple Exercises

Yes, we have an updated calendar for your review. Select Cook Calendar 2009 under Links on the right. Pick a time when we don't have many volunteers and email me at with the days you can help.

Just as the members need to exercise to get in shape for tour, the volunteers also need to get in shape for the Cooktruck. Here are 3 exercises to get you ready:

  1. Find the institutional aisle in your market; pick up two #10 cans of fruit; ask a passer-by to add a third can; carry them to the farthest end of the store and return to the aisle. As you might have guessed - the souvie truck that carries the extra cans isn't close when you need it.
  2. Fill your wheelbarrow half full of dirt and get your hand spade; use the spade to granulate the dirt to a smooth, soft pile. This will serve you well when you need to brown and then chop 40-50 lbs of hamburger for meal #3.
  3. Spend a 1/2 hour in the bright sun while wearing a winter coat and shorts in the parking lot outside a Super Walmart; quickly remove the coat and go into the walk-in freezer for 10 minutes. This is needed when Jody swears there is another box of butt chops in the freezer and she needs it for meal #4.

Oh yeah - it's Spring Debut camp weekend! See you all soon. Travel safe.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bill this so brings back, some special moments.You just gotta love it. Hope to have a kitchen full of cooks this weekend. Just stop by and check us out, Just might be something good cooking. I am a Colts Mom
Peg L.

Alf said...

I just remember it must be somewhere in the back left next to a left over box of Philly steaks ....
I ran into it while reorganizing during fooddrop 2 days ago.

Or did we stash is on top on the right. Or did we ordenend it by pork, beef, chicken, potatoes, vegies?

I lost track of it allready

Anonymous said...

SORRY Alf I didn't know Bob was going to start the unit while you were in there.........My Bad.
But I'm sure the Butt Chops are in the big Brown box in the far back corner.(yes right next to silver thing blowing the cold air)

Great memories and many more to come this summer.
If you haven't had a chance to check out the summer schedule PLEASE see Bill this weekend.
If you have already signed up to help out THANK YOU. You will have a great time with the whole Colts family.

Excited to see everyone this weekend.
Lori C. another Colts mom