Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Colt 2010 Day 2 Dubuque


Last night Meal 4 was rained out and the kids had to take it inside. We also wanted to mention that the Sweet rolls the kids are having for Breakfast today and yesterday were donated by a Colts Alum From Dubuque. Special Thanks for that!!!


Awesome Volunteers today (sorry for the mix up yesterday) :

Carole B Head Cook Connie C
Bill S Lisa M
Sharon O  


Schedule for today

8:00 Wake/Eat 5:10 Dinner
9:00 Stretch/Cals 6:15 Warm-up for Ensemble
10:00 Sectionals 6:45 Ensemble
12:30 Lunch 9:45 Dance
1:40 Visuals 11:00 Snack
  Midnight Lights out


Meal 1 Meal 3
Ham Cheese and Egg Biscuits
Sweet Rolls
Mandarin Oranges
Maid Rites
Corn Noodle Cassorole
Meal 2 Meal 4
Lettuce Salad
Breaddeaux Pizza


Weather in Dubuque, Iowa

Dubuque IA

Map picture

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