Friday, June 09, 2017

Rehearsal Day; Independence, IA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Independence Middle School, 1301 1st St West, Independence, IA 50644

  • We are thanking the Independence School District for their hospitality with a community performance tonight.  The ensemble starts at 7:00, followed by the performance.
  • Check out the updated 2017 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Information.  Any day we don't have at least four volunteers (not counting seamstress or drivers) listed is a day we're short.  Two or less and we're critically short!  Contact Bill via email ( or phone (651-470-3553) to sign up or ask questions.
  • Mail will be delivered from the Colts office to the members through June 23.  The mail drop address is:
    (Member Name)
    c/o COLTS
    2300 Twin Valley Drive
    Dubuque, IA  52003
Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:45 AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:45 AM - Stretch
9:15 AM - Visual-brass & percussion in stadium, guard on field 2
1:00 PM - Meal 2
2:00 PM - Sectionals-brass in stadium, guard on field 2, percussion in subs
4:45 PM - Percussion ensemble
5:45 PM - Meal 3
6:45 PM - Re-warm
7:00 PM - Ensemble & community performance
9:00 PM - Meal 4-Eat, pack & load (EPL)
10:50 PM - Butts in seats
11:00 PM - Depart for Dubuque
12:30 AM - Arrive Jefferson Middle School
1:30 AM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.

Meal 1
Oatmeal Bar

Meal 2
Mac & Cheese
Hot Dog
Garlic Toast

Meal 3
Balsamic Chicken
Broccoli Rice

Meal 4
Meatball Sandwich

DCI's Best Volunteers
Gary Metzger
Ross Sample
Sue Sample
Sandy Plank
Michael Walter
John Thedens
Cathi Roberts

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