Friday, May 31, 2019

Rehearsal Day; DeKalb, IL

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Northern Illinois University, Student Recreation Center, 325 N Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb, IL 60115
Next housing is: Same

  • If you're in the DeKalb area this evening stop by NIU around 8:00.  Tonight is the first "run" of the season so you see all they have learned without the "check, adjust, reset".
  • Check out the up-to-date 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.  Contact Bill via email ( or phone (651-470-3553) to sign up or ask questions.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #1 for delivery by June 21
    Mail will be delivered from the Colts' office to the corps throughout Spring Training.  Address mail as follows:
    Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    C/O Member Name
    2300 Twin Valley Drive
    Dubuque, IA  52003

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate

7:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:30 AM - Full corps stretch
9:00 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, guard on F2, battery on F3
12:30 PM - Meal 2
1:30 PM - Sectionals-guard in stadium, brass on F2, battery on F3
3:30 PM - Brass and guard switch
5:30 PM - Meal 3
6:30 PM - Rewarm
6:50 PM - Full ensemble
8:30 PM - Run
8:45 PM - Warm down/transition
9:00 PM - Movement-indoor field house
10:30 PM - Meal 4
10:45 PM - Caption head meeting at lite pole
11:30 PM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Must Goes

Meal 2
Ham/Turkey/Cheese Sandwich

Meal 3
Sweet & Sour Chicken
Egg Roll
Mixed Veggies

Meal 4
Chocolate Chip Cookie

DCI's Best Volunteers
Mike Kelley
Sarah Hefner
Nancy Stahl
Janet Ewart
Happy Birthday to
Kevin Herrera🎈🎈

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