Sunday, May 29, 2022

Rehearsal Day; Monmouth, IL

Current housing site: Monmouth College


  • Check out the up-to-date 2022 Volunteer Calendar under Important Links on the right to decide when you're able to volunteer on the Cooktruck and/or drive a van.  To sign up, or if you have any questions, email us at
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate

7:15 AM Field lining & scaffolding to remote fields

8:00 AM Meal 1

9:00 AM Stretch - Field House

9:30 AM BLOCK 1

-Brass - Stadium

-Battery - Peacock, load @ 9:30 w/drums

-Front Ens - Sectionals

-Color Guard - Field House

(12:50 battery returns, front ens move to stadium) 1:00 PM Meal 2

(1:50 guard loads bus to Peacock) 

2:00 PM BLOCK 2

    - Brass - Field House/Warmup @ 3:00 at grassy area

    - Percussion - Stadium

    - Guard - Peacock

4:00 PM Music Ensemble - Stadium

(5:20 guard returns) 

5:30 PM Shower

6:20 PM Meet behind press box, walk to park as full corps

6:30 PM Alumni Cook Out @ Park

What's being served?

Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.

Meal 1

Scrambled Eggs



Meal 2


Italian Pasta Salad

Fruit Cocktail

Meal 3

Sweet & Sour Chicken

Egg Rolls

Meal 4

Postcard Pizza

Poke Cake



Katheryn Rohr

Stacey Bagwell

Dennis Zirkelbach

Alex Swire-Clark

Mike Kelley

Annette Luke

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