Saturday, July 01, 2023

Show Day; Madison, WI

Check out today's weather HERE

Current housing is: Badger Ridge Middle School, 300 Richard St, Verona, WI 53593 (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)

Show site is: Breitenbach Stadium, 2100 Bristol St, Middleton, WI 53562

Next housing is: Kaneland Harter Middle School, 1601 Esker Dr, Sugar Grove, IL 60554

  • Check out the up-to-date 2023 Volunteer Calendar under Important Links on the right to decide when you're able to volunteer on the Cooktruck and/or drive a van.
    To sign up, or if you have any questions, email us at
  • HELP US.  We are in need of two van drivers a day.  No special license is required, and the most important skill is the ability to stay awake while safely driving at night.
    Take a look at the calendar and see where we don't have two drivers listed, and that is where we need driver(s). 
  • If you're making a trip to see the Colts, please consider picking pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The members love them!
  • Mail Drop for June 27 - July 14
    Member Name
    c/o Colts
    2300 Twin Valley Drive
    Dubuque, IA  52003
Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
    5:45 AM - Arrive in Verona, WI
    9:30 AM - Meal 1
    10:30 AM - Stretch
    11:00 AM - Block 1 - brass on field 1/field 2 at 12/ensemble at 1:00,
    battery on field 2/field 1 at 12:00/ensemble at 1:00,

    front ensemble pit zone/field 1 at 12:00, guard in gym/
    field 3 at 11:45/ensemble at 1:0    0
    2:30 PM - Run through
    3:00 PM - EPL
    5:00 PM - Depart
    5:50 PM - Arrive
    8:10 PM - Walk to gate
    8:20 PM - Gate
    8:35 PM - Show time
    9:10 PM - Meal 4
    9:30 PM - Critique
    10:00 PM - Depart for Sugar Grove, IL
What's being served?
    Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
    Milk typically served at Meal 4.
    All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
    Meal 1
    Egg Fried Patty

    Meal 2
    Swedish Meatballs
    Green Beans

    Meal 3

    Meal 4
    Pizza Casserole
    Chocolate Pudding
DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff 
Racquel Dills
Ginger Swire-Clark
TJ Countryman
Rich O'Dell
Jane Glidewell
Daniella Restrepo
Kristen Krenke
Christian Witte
Caleb Berger

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