Friday, February 02, 2007

Notes on February camp at

There's info on February camp (no location, yet) at Note that camp doesn't start until 10 p.m. for this camp with rehearsal at 11 p.m., and we've been asked not to arrive before 9:30.

Here's an exerpt from this morning's informational email.

As with every weekend, parents are encouraged and needed to give us a hand in the kitchen and on projects. Volunteers make the Colts successful, and it is the best way for you to learn about our program, meet the people and find out what it's all about.

We will prepare and serve 1000 meals this weekend, and 50,000 during the summer, all with parental help. Look over the summer schedule and plan to give us a hand as you can. Thank you! We need you!

1 comment :

penny said...

Are there any parent projects planned besides sewing/cooking?