Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today is Wednesday, Jan. 21; we are in Pennsylvania ... Ohio ... Indiana ... Illinois ... Iowa

Photo by USA Today

Yes, they are on their return trip. At this time, the weather looks like only spotty snow across Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

The video from KCRG-TV9 that contains the parade is here.

KWWL's reporter that is traveling with us, Lauren Squires, has a very insightful blog that she continues to update during the return trip.

Alf sent me the link for the above picture. It is available on Flickr.

Betty H. pointed out the following videos on YouTube: ABC feed; CBS feed and entering the parade.


Anonymous said...

Great Job Colts - couldn't be more proud

B. Hoeger

Anonymous said...

Just finished uploading my photos from the parade. Assuming I did it all correctly, you should be able to see them here:

Disclaimer - my camera batteries were struggling with the cold and I can think of at least four section photos that are not there - the camera took the picture but apparently didn't save it. My very sincere apologies to all.
Peter Hansen