Current housing is: West Middle School, 3301 W 19th St, Sioux City, IA 51103
Next housing is: Burns High School, 524 E. 4th Street, Burns, WY 82053
- We can use help the week from San Antonio to Atlanta, July 19 through July 25. The updated Cook Calendar is listed on the right, under Important Links. Contact Bill (email or text/phone is 651-470-3553) if you're able to help on the cooktruck.
- Next Mail Drop TBA
Today's Schedule
9:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
10:00 AM - Cals-brass & percussion on field #1; guard on field #2
10:30 AM - Visual-brass & percussion on field #1; guard on field #2
1:15 PM - Meal 2
2:15 PM - Sectionals-Guard on field #1; Brass on field #2; Percussion on field #3
5:00 PM - Ensemble on field #1
6:00 PM - Run through
6:25 PM - Meal 3-EPL; pack a sack lunch snack for the bus
8:00 PM - Depart for Laramie, WY (Mountain Time Zone)
What's being served?
All meals have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Pancake Bar
Meal 2
Pork Burgers w/ Cheese
Hashbrowns w/ Onion and Cheese
Meal 3
Tossed Salad
Garlic Cheese Toast
Meal 4
Sack lunch snack on the bus
DCI's Best Volunteers
Crys Smith
Jenn Broghammer
Carrie Taylor
Penny Voegele
Ted Clausing
Steve Schoeph
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