Monday, August 06, 2018

Show Day; Erie, PA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: North East High School, 1901 Freeport Rd, North East, PA 16248
Show site is: Veterans Memorial Stadium, 2600 State Street, Erie, PA 16508
Next housing is: Ball State University, Student Recreation & Wellness Center, 1700 W Neely Ave, Muncie, IN 47304
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • We're short of cooks on Thursday, August 9 through Saturday, August 11 at Finals in Muncie, IN.  Check out the up-to-date 2018 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.  Contact Bill via email ( or phone (651-470-3553) to sign up or ask questions.
Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:00 AM - Stretch/PT
9:30 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, guard on field 2, battery on grass
11:15 AM - Meal 2
12:00 PM - Sectionals-brass in stadium, guard on field 2, battery on grass
1:00 PM - Percussion on field 2
2:00 PM - Transition
2:15 PM - Full ensemble
3:25 PM - Run
3:45 PM - EPL
5:35 PM - BIS
5:45 PM - Depart for show
6:30 PM - Arrive at show
8:27 PM - Gate
8:42 PM - Perform
9:15 PM - Meal 4
10:00 PM - Props
10:50 PM - BIS
11:00 PM - Depart
~6:15 AM - Arrive in Muncie, IN

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Scrambled Eggs
Grilled Deli Ham
Fruit Cocktail

Meal 2
Sloppy Joes
French Fries
Honeydew Melon

Meal 3
Italian Chicken
Baby Potatoes
Green Beans
French Bread

Meal 4
Mac 'n Cheese or Chili Mac
Chocolate Chip Cookie

DCI's Best Volunteers
Jenn Broghammer
Tracy Nowack
Kim Lake
Kay Olson
Mike Kelley
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
Ted Clausing

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