Friday, August 09, 2019

Semifinals, Show Day; Muncie & Indianapolis, IN

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Emens Auditorium at Ball State University, 1800 W Riverside Ave, Muncie, IN 47306
Next housing is: Same housing

  • If you're joining us for finals, pick up some fresh fruit and/or vegetables and deliver them to the cooktruck.  The kids can't get enough of them!

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
7:45 AM - Depart for fields
8:00 AM - Full corps stretch
8:15 AM - Sectional warm up
9:00 AM - Ensemble
10:00 AM - Run
10:15 AM - Warm down & transition; load equipment
10:45 AM - Buses depart for housing (pit, props, scaffolding return in vans as needed)
11:00 AM - Meal 2
12:45 PM - Depart
2:30 PM - Warm up in Military Park
4:10 PM - Load buses in Military Park
4:25 PM - Unload buses at stadium
4:40 PM - Gate
4:58 PM - Perform
5:20 PM - Wrap up
5:45 PM - Pizza meal at buses; load trucks and buses
6:30 PM - Buses and trucks move to aux lot; free time
9:30 PM - Age outs back to buses to change
9:45 PM - Age outs walk back to stadium
10:00 PM - Age outs seated in stadium
10:15 PM - Colts and Colt Cadets back in stadium for recognition ceremony (section will be sent out via Remind)
11:02 PM - Age out ceremony
11:20 PM - Clear stadium, return to buses
11:40 PM - BIS
11:45 PM - Depart for Ball State
1:15 AM - Arrive at housing (no access to showers)
1:45 AM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Breakfast Burritos

Meal 2
Italian Chicken
Mashed Potatoes

Meal 3
Pizza in Lot

Meal 4
PB & J and Cereal

DCI's Best Volunteers
Joel Bruce
Kristi Verkuilen
Kathy Gehrig
Leeanne Harrington
Bill Harrington
Staci Bruce
JJ Miller
Brent Smith

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