Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Indianapolis Marriott East, 7202 East 21st St, Indianapolis, IN 46219
Next housing is: Your Home!!
- Thanks to all of the volunteers (cooks, drivers, sewers, van drivers, etc) that worked tirelessly to care for the members.
- Thanks to the instructional staff for their dedication, guidance, and hard work.
- Thanks to the bus and truck drivers for transporting the members and equipment safely.
- Thanks to the admin and tour staff for their unending service to make the members experience the best possible.
- Thanks to Vicki and Jeff for their dedication and hard work in support of the members.
- CONGRATULATIONS, Vicki on being selected the Director of the Year!!!! 🎉🎉
luggage can go to vehicle or Freedom Hall, kitchen load
9:30 AM - Season wrap up in Freedom Hall (visitors are welcome)
Oakwood, IL 61858 (I-74 exit 206)
Morton, IL 61550 (I-74 exit 102)
Davenport, IA (I-80 exit 292)
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
Cathi Roberts
Mike Kelley