Check out today's weather HERE
Current housing is: Glenvar High School, 4549 Malus Drive, Salem, VA 24513
Show Site is: Salem Stadium, 1001 Roanoke Blvd, Salem VA 24153
Next housing is: Eastern York High School, 720 Cook Creek Road, Wrightsville, PA 17368
- Check out the up-to-date 2022 Volunteer Calendar under Important Links on the right to decide when you're able to volunteer on the Cooktruck and/or drive a van. To sign up, or if you have any questions, email us at
- If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate. The kids love them!
- Mail Drop for August 3 - 4
Colts - (Member Name)
The UPS Store
2536 Eastern Blvd
York, PA 17402 - Mail Drop for August 9 - 13
Hold for COLTS - (Member Name)
c/o Indianapolis Marriott East
7202 E 21st St
Indianapolis, IN 46219
3:30 AM - Arrive
9:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
10:00 AM - Stretch
10:30 AM - Block - brass on field 1/warmup at 11;30,
battery meet at truck/move to stadium at 11:30, front
ensemble meet at truck/move to stadium at 11:30,
guard in gym
12:30 PM - Ensemble
2:00 PM - Run through
battery meet at truck/move to stadium at 11:30, front
ensemble meet at truck/move to stadium at 11:30,
guard in gym
12:30 PM - Ensemble
2:00 PM - Run through
2:30 PM - EPL
4:30 PM - Depart
5:15 PM - Arrive
7:05 PM - Walk to gate
7:15 PM - Gate
7:30 PM - Show
8:00 PM - Meal 3/4
9:30 PM - Depart for Pennsylvania
4:30 PM - Depart
5:15 PM - Arrive
7:05 PM - Walk to gate
7:15 PM - Gate
7:30 PM - Show
8:00 PM - Meal 3/4
9:30 PM - Depart for Pennsylvania
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Ham Slice
Meal 2
Chicken Wraps
Pea Pasta Salad
Pea Pasta Salad
Meal 3
Chicken Alfredo
Garlic Bread
Garlic Bread
Meal 4
Baked Beans
Vanilla Pudding
Baked Beans
Vanilla Pudding
DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Todd Brewer
Kaitlin Gimm
Katie Stieghorst
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
Mario DeLaurentis
Kaitlin Gimm
Katie Stieghorst
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
Mario DeLaurentis
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