Saturday, July 30, 2022

Rehearsal Day; Lincolnton, NC

Check out today's weather HERE

Current housing is: North Lincoln High School, 2737 Lee Lawing Rd, Lincolnton, NC 28092 (EASTERN TIME)
Next housing is: Same

  • Check out the up-to-date 2022 Volunteer Calendar under Important Links on the right to decide when you're able to volunteer on the Cooktruck and/or drive a van.  To sign up, or if you have any questions, email us at
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop for August 3 - 4
    Colts - (Member Name)
    The UPS Store
    2536 Eastern Blvd
    York, PA 17402
  • Mail Drop for August 9 - 13
    Hold for COLTS - (Member Name)
    c/o Indianapolis Marriott East
    7202 E 21st St
    Indianapolis, IN 46219
Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
    7:30 AM - Arrive
    10:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
    11:30 AM - Stretch
    12:00 PM - Block 1 - brass on field 1 visual, color guard in
    gym till 1:30 then field 2, drums on field 2 till 1:30 then
    sectionals, pit in sectionals
    2:30 PM - Meal 2
    3:30 PM - Block 2 - brass music on field 1, color guard on
    field 2 till 5:00 then gym, drums in sectionals/tracking
    till 5:00, pit in sectionals then move to field 2 by 5:00
    ~1:45 PM - 15 minutes in doors
    6:30 PM - Meal 3
    7:30 PM - Block 3 - brass/perc rewarm
    7:45 PM - Music ensemble on field 2, color guard on field 1
    9:00 PM - Full ensemble
    10:00 PM - Run through
    10:15 PM - Meal 4
    11:30 PM - Lights out
What's being served?
    Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
    Milk typically served at Meal 4.
    All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
    Meal 1
    French Toast Sticks
    Sausage Links
    Mandarin Oranges

    Meal 2
    Chicken Patty Sandwich
    Fresh Veggies

    Meal 3
    Tater Tot Casserole
    Garlic Bread

    Meal 4
    Chocolate Pudding

    DCI's Best Volunteers
    Pam Kalkhoff
    Annette Luke
    Ginger Swire-Clark
    Todd Brewer
    Cathi Roberts
    JJ Miller
    Mario DeLaurentis

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