Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Kick-ass cooks

ka3, originally uploaded by David Speer.

This is not to say there aren't kick-ass cooks that aren't shown here (for example: Polly, Jim, Bill, Luba, Kathleen, Jim, Marlin, my Jody, Tom, Mr. Megan (couldn't resist, Dave), Sue, Sue, Susan, Cliff, Bruce, Lori, Sarah, Kelly, Diane, Shari, Bev, Olaf, Rob, Larry, Jeff, Laura, Larry, Janice, Lauren ... I know I'm leaving out somebody really important. Sorry if it's you. I apologize. But I could go on and on). This is just a representative sample of those people who make the real Colts cooktruck something special.


Alf said...

What's cookin'???

Miss you guys

Anonymous said...

You forgot Charlotte and her fantabulous deserts!