Hi. I've enjoyed the freewheeling nature of the exchanges here on the Virtual Cooktruck, but the Internet is sometimes an unruly place. I've had to delete a couple of comments from the board lately -- not from Colts or Colts parents, volunteers, etc. -- but from what I assume to be random visitors who don't have a life.
This is the price of fame. As we all know, the Colts are making people sit up and take notice. So we're getting noticed more here at the cooktruck. Some kinds of notice are good. Some not so good.
Anyway, that's why from now on comments on the Virtual Cooktruck will be moderated. One of the people who help with the Virtual Cooktruck will have to say it's OK to post before your comment will show up. That's why your comments may not show up right away. This will also head off spam comments, which we have not been hit with yet but that we know would show up eventually.
To make it easier for us, please sign your name (corps name or first name only and section -- i.e. Brass, Guard, Pit, Bassline, Snare, Sop, Cook, Driver, Harmless Drudge, Contra, etc.) to make it easier for your humble moderators. And if you'd like to enjoy the power and fame that comes with being part of the Virtual Cooktruck staff, drop me a note.
The Virtual Cooktruck Management
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