Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New cook calendar

The cook calendar is beginning to fill up, and thank you to all of you who have helped make that possible.

Now comes the hard part of Bill's year: filling out the weak spots.

Some weeks are already full, but there are still several that have only one or two cooks. So please download a copy of the schedule and figure out when your help is needed most. Brass parents can see Bill at camp this week, but that doesn't let guard and percussion parents off the hook. You can email him using the link in the right sidebar or directly at

Please consider giving some of your time to help feed the corps on tour this year. And bring a friend! You don't have to be a corps parent for your help to be needed and appreciated. We've had aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors. We still have lots of folks who give lots of time who don't have anyone marching this year.

Please help. We need you.

The Cooktruck Staff

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