Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New cook calendar

There's a new summer tour calendar for kitchen truck workers posted this morning. Bill signed up a lot of new people at the second March camp, so the schedule is looking good at this point. Click here to download a copy.

We are still short on some weeks, though, so you need to get in touch with Bill at colts.cooks@comcast.net and get your name on the list. Don't miss out on helping with the corps this summer. Do it today.

The biggest needs right now are a head cook for one week of tour and kitchen help for a couple of weeks in cornfield. Oh, and we don't have anyone for the Preseason Workshop, May 19-22. With the brass section participating this year vs. "visiting", we need 3-4 workers for Wednesday-Friday of the week before Memorial Day camp.

Thanks! See you on the road in about 60 days.

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