Tuesday, August 04, 2009

It's Finals Week

Hi fans!

It's finals week. So posts on the Virtual Cooktruck are going to be erratic this week at best. :) (Although Jim J's done a good job posting from the road today in Bloomington. Yay Jim!)

Everyone's on the road to or from somewhere. Internet connections are few and far between. So there'll be something here as the week goes along but who knows what that might be. The usual diet of schedules, menus, maps, and weather reports changes finals week.

Here's the weather link for Bloomington

Thanks for following along all season. And a special thanks to all the cooks, head cooks, volunteers, drivers, etc. who took time out of their busy day on the road to call me or Bill or Rod or Jim or Jody or whoever and give the daily reports. Our sixth year at this. Who would have believed it?

So good luck to the Colts who are doing I&E tomorrow. And lots of us will be there to cheer the corps on as they compete. Join us.

Go Red Team!

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