Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Jordan, NY

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Jordan-Elbridge High School, 5721 Hamilton Rd, Jordan, NY 13080
Next housing is: Lynn Vocational Tech Institute, 80 Neptune Blvd, Lynn, MA 01902

  • We are very short of cooks tomorrow in Lawrence, MA.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:45 AM - Field liners, prop and scaffolding awake
8:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:30 AM - Full corps stretch
10:00 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, guard on F2, battery on F3
1:00 PM - Meal 2
2:00 PM - Sectionals-guard in stadium, brass on F2, battery on F3
3:00 PM - Brass & guard switch
4:30 PM - Percussion in stadium, brass on F3
5:30 PM - Meal 3
6:30 PM - Rewarm
6:50 PM - Ensemble
8:45 PM - Run
9:00 PM - Warm down & transition
9:15 PM - EPL
11:00 PM - Depart
~5:45 AM - Arrive in Lynn, MA

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Pancake on a Stick

Meal 2
Ham/Pasta Casserole
Fresh Veggies
French Bread

Meal 3
Chicken Alfredo
Frozen Grapes

Meal 4
Mac 'n Cheese

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Leeanne Harrington
Gretchen Neupert
JJ Miller
John Hawryluk

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Hudson, OH

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Western Reserve Academy, 115 College St, Hudson, OH 44236
Next housing is: Jordan-Elbridge High School, 5721 Hamilton Rd, Jordan, NY 13080

  • We are very short of cooks today through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:15 AM - Field liners, prop crew, and scaffolding awake
8:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:00 AM - Full corps stretch
9:30 AM - Visual
12:30 PM - Meal 2
1:30 PM - Sectionals
5:15 PM - Meal 3
6:15 PM - Rewarm
6:35 PM - Ensemble
8:15 PM - Run
8:30 PM - Warm down & transition
8:45 PM - EPL
10:30 PM - Depart
~4:45 AM - Arrive in Jordan, NY

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Biscuits 'n Sausage Gravy

Meal 2
BBQ Chicken
Broccoli Salad

Meal 3
Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce
Lettuce Salad
Garlic Bread

Meal 4
Mexican Rice
Chocolate Chip Cookie

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Michael Kuehnen
JJ Miller
John Hawryluk

Monday, July 29, 2019

Show Day; Centerville, OH

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Waynesville High School, 735 Dayton Rd, Waynesville, OH 45068
Show site is: Centerville High School Stadium, 500 E. Franklin Ave, Centerville, OH 45459
Next housing is: Western Reserve Academy, 115 College St, Hudson, OH 44236

  • We are very short of cooks today through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:45 AM - Field liners, props, and scaffolding awake
8:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:30 AM - Full corps stretch
10:00 AM - Visual-brass & battery in stadium, guard on F2
11:30 AM - Meal 2
12:15 PM - Sectionals-percussion in stadium, guard on F2, brass on own
2:15 PM - Ensemble
3:15 PM - Run
3:30 PM - Warm down & transition
3:45 PM - EPL
5:30 PM - Depart for show
6:15 PM - Warm up
8:15 PM - Gate
8:31 PM - Perform
9:05 PM - Last corps
9:10 PM - Meal 4
10:00 PM - Props
10:40 PM - BIS
10:45 PM - Depart
~2:45 AM - Arrive in Hudson, OH

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Scrambled Eggs
Sausage Links
Hash Brown Patty
Blueberry Muffin

Meal 2
Chicken Casserole

Meal 3
Swedish Meatballs w/ Gravy
French Bread

Meal 4
Hot Dogs
Baked Beans

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Michael Kuehnen
Kelley Mitchell
Sema Mitchell
JJ Miller
John Hawryluk
Happy Birthday Mike Lang🎈🎈

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Hampton, GA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hampton High School, 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (Eastern Time Zone)
Next housing is: Waynesville High School, 735 Dayton Rd, Waynesville, OH 45068 (Eastern Time Zone)

  • We are very short of cooks tomorrow through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
9:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
10:00 AM - Full corps stretch
10:30 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, guard on F2, battery on F3
1:00 PM - Meal 2
2:00 PM - Sectionals-guard in stadium, brass on F2, battery on F3
3:00 PM - Guard & battery switch, percussion in stadium
4:00 PM - Ensemble
5:45 PM - Run
6:00 PM - Warm down & transition
6:15 PM - EPL
8:00 PM - Depart
~6:00 AM - Arrive in Waynesville, OH (Eastern Time Zone)

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Sausage Patty

Meal 2
Chicken Nugget Wrap
Pam's Pasta Pea Salad

Meal 3
Butt Chops

Meal 4
French Bread

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Annette Luke
Michael Kuehnen
Lisa McDaniel
Tim McDaniel
Kevin McDaniel
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Hawryluk
Happy Birthday Evan Morales🎈🎈

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Show Day; Atlanta, GA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hampton High School, 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (Eastern Time Zone)
Show site is: Mercedes-Benz Stadium, 1 AMB Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30313
Next housing is: Same housing

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate (Eastern Time Zone)
7:00 AM - Field liner, scaffolding and prop crew awake
7:45 AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:45 AM - Stretch in sections in stadium
9:00 AM - Sectional warm up
9:30 AM - Ensemble
10:45 AM - Run
11:00 AM - Warm down & transition
11:15 AM - Eat and load (pack a sack supper)
12:45 PM - Depart for show
2:00 PM - Warm up
4:25 PM - Gate
4:45 PM - Perform
5:07 PM - Quick wrap up
5:20 PM - Props and equip truck load immediately
6:20 PM - Trucks depart and buses depart for laundry
7:00 PM - Laundry
10:00 PM - BIS from laundry
10:15 PM - Staff bus depart stadium
10:45 PM - Return from laundry
11:30 PM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Breakfast Burritos
Fruit Cocktail

Meal 2
Sloppy Joes
Cheesy Corn
French Fries
Frozen Grapes

Meal 3
Chicken Italian
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
French Bread

Meal 4
Corn Dogs
Vanilla Pudding w/ Chocolate Chips

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Michael Kuehnen
Lisa McDaniel
Tim McDaniel
Kevin McDaniel
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar
John Hawryluk

Friday, July 26, 2019

Show Day; Birmingham, AL

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Shelby County High School, 101 Washington St, Columbiana, AL 35051
Show site is: Hewitt Trussville Football Stadium, 5649 Trussville Clay Road, Trussville, AL 35173
Next housing is: Hampton High School, 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (Eastern Time Zone)

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:30 AM - Full corps stretch on F3
10:00 AM - Sectionals-battery in stadium, guard on F2, brass on F3
11:45 AM - Meal 2
12:30 PM - Visual-brass & battery in stadium, guard on F2
1:45 PM - Ensemble
3:15 PM - Run
3:30 PM - Warm down & transition
3:45 PM - EPL
5:30 PM - Depart for show
6:55 PM - Warm up
8:55 PM - Gate
9:09 PM - Perform
9:26 PM - Wrap up/last corps
9:40 PM - Meal 4 (load EQ right away!!!!)
10:15 PM - Props load
10:30 PM - EQ departs
10:55 PM - BIS
11:00 PM - Depart
3:00 AM - EQ arrives in Hampton, GA
~4:30 AM - Arrive in Hampton, GA (Eastern Time Zone)

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
French Toast Sticks
Sausage Links

Meal 2
Chicken Pasta Salad

Meal 3
Tater Toast Casserole
Lettuce Salad
Garlic Bread

Meal 4
Rice Krispie Treats

DCI's Best Volunteers
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Michael Kuehnen
Lisa McDaniel
Tim McDaniel
Kevin McDaniel
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar
Happy Birthday
Patrick Sheehan

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Little Rock, AR

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Robinson Middle School, 21001 AR-10 Little Rock, AR 72223
Next housing is: Shelby County High School, 101 Washington St, Columbiana, AL 35051

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:30 AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:30 AM - Full corps stretch
9:00 AM - Visual-brass & battery in stadium, guard on indoor field
12:30 PM - Meal 2
1:30 PM - Sectionals
5:00 PM - Meal 3
6:00 PM - Rewarm
6:20 PM - Ensemble
7:45 PM - Run
8:00 PM - Warm down & transition
8:15 PM - EPL
10:00 PM - Depart
~6:00 AM - Arrive in Columbiana, AL

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Scrambled Eggs
Ham Patty
Hash Browns
Orange Wedges

Meal 2
Pasta Salad
Apple Wedges

Meal 3
Chicken Alfredo
French Bread

Meal 4
Cinnamon Roll

DCI's Best Volunteers
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Catherine Dean
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar
Happy Birthday Mitchell Weber🎈🎈

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Show Day; Little Rock, AR

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Robinson Middle School, 21001 AR-10 Little Rock, AR 72223
Show site is: War Memorial Stadium, #1 Stadium Drive, Little Rock, AR 72225
Next housing is: Same housing

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:00 AM - Morning crews awake
8:45 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:45 AM - Full corps stretch
10:15 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, battery on F2, guard on indoor field
12:00 PM - Meal 2
12:45 PM - Sectionals-guard in stadium, battery on F2, brass warm up
1:45 PM - Ensemble
3:00 PM - Run
3:15 PM - Warm down & transition
3:30 PM - Eat & load
5:00 PM - Depart for show
5:30 PM - Warm up
7:30 PM - Gate
7:44 PM - Perform
8:01 PM - Wrap up
8:18 PM - Load
8:30 PM - Cooks depart
9:45 PM - Depart (staff bus stay behind)
10:00 PM - Last corps
10:15 PM - Arrive at housing and meal 4
11:30 PM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
English Muffin w/ Egg, Cheese & Sausage Patty

Meal 2
Butt Chops
Baked Beans

Meal 3
Chicken Patty Sandwich
French Fries

Meal 4
Hot Dogs
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Must Goes

DCI's Best Volunteers
Katheryn Rohr
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Catherine Dean
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar
Happy Birthday Sara DeLeon🎈🎈

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Kemp, TX

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Kemp High School, 220 State Hwy 274, Kemp, TX 75143
Next housing is: Robinson Middle School, 21001 AR-10 Little Rock, AR 72223

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:00 AM - Full corps stretch
9:30 AM - Visual
12:30 PM - Meal 2
1:30 PM - Sectionals
5:30 PM - Meal 3
6:30 PM - Rewarm
6:50 PM - Ensemble
8:45 PM - Run
9:00 PM - Warm down & transition
9:15 PM - EPL
11:00 PM - Depart
~5:15 AM - Arrive in Little Rock, AR

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Ham Patty

Meal 2
Sweet & Sour Chicken
White Rice
Mixed Veggies

Meal 3
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Garlic Bread
Lettuce Salad

Meal 4
Loaded Nachos

DCI's Best Volunteers
Katheryn Rohr
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Alice Zhang
Caroline Zhang
Amber Zhang
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar

Monday, July 22, 2019

Show Day; Mesquite, TX

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Kemp High School, 220 State Hwy 274, Kemp, TX 75143
Show site is: Mesquite Memorial Stadium, 2411 W. Scyene Rd, Mesquite, TX 75149
Next housing is: Same housing

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
9:00 AM - Full corps stretch
9:30 AM - Visual-brass & battery in stadium, guard on F2 with props
11:30 AM - Meal 2
12:15 PM - Sectionals (potential cool down break in here)-percussion in stadium, guard on F2 (guard push props to stadium field at end of block), brass on grass
1:45 PM - Ensemble
2:45 PM - Run
3:00 PM - Warm down & transition
3:15 PM - Meal 3 & load
4:45 PM - Depart
6:00 PM - Warm up
8:00 PM - Gate
8:18 PM - Perform
8:35 PM - Wrap up
8:52 PM - Load
9:00 PM - Cooks depart
9:30 PM - Props
10:15 PM - Depart
11:15 PM - Arrive at school and meal 4
12:15 AM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Egg Omelette
Sausage Link
Mandarin Oranges

Meal 2
Caribbean Coleslaw

Meal 3
BBQ Chicken Wraps
Tropical Fruit

Meal 4
Chicken Nuggets
Chocolate Pudding

DCI's Best Volunteers
Katheryn Rohr
Joel Bruce
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Alice Zhang
Caroline Zhang
Amber Zhang
Cathi Roberts
Staci Bruce
JJ Miller
John Struhar

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Free Day; San Antonio, TX

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hondo High School, 2603 Ave H, Hondo, TX 78861
Next housing is: Kemp High School, 220 State Hwy 274, Kemp, TX 75143

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
8:00 AM - Wake/EPL
8:45 AM - Instructors depart for Instructor's Summit
9:30 AM - Students depart
11:00 AM - Free day - students arrive at Riverwalk; drop off and pick up location is Grand Hyatt San Antonio, 600 E Market St, San Antonio, TX 78205
12:00 PM - Staff depart for Riverwalk in vans
7:30 PM - Buses loaded
7:45 PM - Depart
~2:00 AM - Arrive at Kemp, TX

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Oatmeal Bar
Must Goes

Meal 2
Sack Lunch

Meal 3
On own

Meal 4
On own

DCI's Best Volunteers
Sarah Beidenbach
Katheryn Rohr
Joel Bruce
Mackenzie Bailey
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Alice Zhang
Caroline Zhang
Amber Zhang
Cathi Roberts
Staci Bruce
Chris Gau/Tim Nance
JJ Miller
John Struhar
Happy Birthday
Spencer Collins

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Show Day; San Antonio, TX

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hondo High School, 2603 Ave H, Hondo, TX 78861
Show site is: Show site is: Alamodome, 100 Montana St, San Antonio, TX 78203
Next housing is: Same housing

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
7:30 AM - Wake/Meal
7:55 AM - BIS (busing to field)
8:05 AM - Meal 1 and unload
8:45 AM - Full corps stretch
9:15 AM - Sectional warm up
9:45 AM - Ensemble
10:45 AM - Run
11:00 AM - Warm down & transition
11:15 AM - Eat and load (tubas under buses and battery on equipment trailer)
12:00 PM - Buses depart to housing (vans for anyone remaining)
1:00 PM - Depart
2:15 PM - Warm up
4:20 PM - Gate
4:38 PM - Perform
4:55 PM - Wrap up
5:15 PM - Pizza meal
5:45 PM - Props
6:08 PM - Equipment truck, prop truck and scaffolding trailer move to bus lot
8:55 PM - BIS
9:00 PM - Depart (DMs and guard captains stay for retreat)
10:30 PM - Arrive at housing (PB & J set out)
11:30 PM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Hash Brown Patties & Sausage Sammies
Apple Slices w/ Cinnamon

Meal 2
Baked Spaghetti
Garlic Bread
Fresh Veggies

Meal 3
Pizza in the Lot

Meal 4
Set Out Cereal and PB&J

DCI's Best Volunteers
Sarah Beidenbach
Katheryn Rohr
Joel Bruce
Mackenzie Bailey
Kathi Ewing
Leanne Harrington
Bill Harrington
Alice Zhang
Caroline Zhang
Amber Zhang
Cathi Roberts
Staci Bruce
Chris Gau
Tim Nance
Happy Birthday Julia Donato🎈🎈