Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rehearsal Day; Hampton, GA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hampton High School, 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (Eastern Time Zone)
Next housing is: Waynesville High School, 735 Dayton Rd, Waynesville, OH 45068 (Eastern Time Zone)

  • We are very short of cooks tomorrow through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate
9:00 AM - Wake/Meal 1
10:00 AM - Full corps stretch
10:30 AM - Visual-brass in stadium, guard on F2, battery on F3
1:00 PM - Meal 2
2:00 PM - Sectionals-guard in stadium, brass on F2, battery on F3
3:00 PM - Guard & battery switch, percussion in stadium
4:00 PM - Ensemble
5:45 PM - Run
6:00 PM - Warm down & transition
6:15 PM - EPL
8:00 PM - Depart
~6:00 AM - Arrive in Waynesville, OH (Eastern Time Zone)

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Sausage Patty

Meal 2
Chicken Nugget Wrap
Pam's Pasta Pea Salad

Meal 3
Butt Chops

Meal 4
French Bread

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Annette Luke
Michael Kuehnen
Lisa McDaniel
Tim McDaniel
Kevin McDaniel
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Hawryluk
Happy Birthday Evan Morales🎈🎈

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