Saturday, July 27, 2019

Show Day; Atlanta, GA

Checkout today's weather HERE.
Current housing is: Hampton High School, 795 Hampton-Locust Grove Road, Hampton, GA 30228 (Eastern Time Zone)
Show site is: Mercedes-Benz Stadium, 1 AMB Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30313
Next housing is: Same housing

  • We are very short of cooks on Sunday, July 28 through Thursday, August 1.  Check out the 2019 Cook's calendar on the right under Important Links to see the locations.
  • We are also short of cooks on Sunday, August 4 (Buffalo, NY), Monday, August 5 (Erie, NY), and Tuesday, August 6 (Muncie, IN).  Check out the 2019 Cook's Calendar on the right under Important Links.
  • If you're stopping by the cooktruck, pick up some fresh vegetables and/or fruit to donate.  The kids love them!
  • Mail Drop #4 for July 21 to August 2
    All packages must arrive by Friday, August 2.  Please only use United States Postal Service for this time period.  Address mail as follows:
    Hold for Colts Drum & Bugle Corps
    (Member Name)
    39 Main Street
    Newton, NJ  07860

Today's Schedule - times and activities are approximate (Eastern Time Zone)
7:00 AM - Field liner, scaffolding and prop crew awake
7:45 AM - Wake/Meal 1
8:45 AM - Stretch in sections in stadium
9:00 AM - Sectional warm up
9:30 AM - Ensemble
10:45 AM - Run
11:00 AM - Warm down & transition
11:15 AM - Eat and load (pack a sack supper)
12:45 PM - Depart for show
2:00 PM - Warm up
4:25 PM - Gate
4:45 PM - Perform
5:07 PM - Quick wrap up
5:20 PM - Props and equip truck load immediately
6:20 PM - Trucks depart and buses depart for laundry
7:00 PM - Laundry
10:00 PM - BIS from laundry
10:15 PM - Staff bus depart stadium
10:45 PM - Return from laundry
11:30 PM - Lights out

What's being served?
Cereal and milk served at Meal 1.
Milk typically served at Meal 4.
All meals also have peanut butter, jelly and condiments.
Meal 1
Breakfast Burritos
Fruit Cocktail

Meal 2
Sloppy Joes
Cheesy Corn
French Fries
Frozen Grapes

Meal 3
Chicken Italian
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
French Bread

Meal 4
Corn Dogs
Vanilla Pudding w/ Chocolate Chips

DCI's Best Volunteers
Pam Kalkhoff
Adonica Struhar
Patti Allen
Annette Luke
Michael Kuehnen
Lisa McDaniel
Tim McDaniel
Kevin McDaniel
Cathi Roberts
JJ Miller
John Struhar
John Hawryluk

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