Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Where are we today?

I'm posting this one late at night again. (And actually I'm posting it from Fayetteville, Arkansas, but I'll explain that when I see you at banquet...) Go ahead and post your guesses as comments, but don't expect to see them show up until Thursday morning when I wake up and publish them. I'll make sure to keep up with who got the right answer first and give proper credit.

This time, just to make it more interesting, let's give the town name. Do you know it? I do.

Photo by ????? (identify the photographer and earn extra points.)
Click HERE to open a full-size image in a new window.


Anonymous said...

After extensive research (not so much) Wal-Mart in New Albany Mississippi. . .photo by Jim J. I remember being in Wal-Mart and wondering what state I was in after about 14 hours on a bus. I didn't want to embarass myself, but I sort of wanted to see what reaction I would get if I asked a random person, but I just checked licence plates when I got outside.

Chris Jansen (AKA Mariachi)

Anonymous said...

Yikes, I want to say it is in Mississippi somewhere, but I have no clue what town. As a second guess, it might be Arkansas. I can't remember for sure, but I think Mississippi. In either case, it was in the midst of the longest recorded bus ride, the day after I slept on the sidewalk outside a truck stop while being eaten by fire ants. Only on tour.

Anonymous said...

i dont remember the name of the city but i believe that is mississippi when we had the longest trip ever and obviously ate breakfast in the wal-mart parking lot...

Anonymous said...

i dont remember the city but i believe were in Mississippi on the longest trip ever when we ate breakfast in the wal-mart parking lot. amazing...

Anonymous said...

I know we're in the wal-mart parking lot... in Mississippi... on the way to get kicked out of the school in Alabama-- I have no idea what city we're in... its about 1130 AM or so and we've been driving since 11 the night before... and we still have 6 hours to go (I heart the drivers!)

Anonymous said...

MISSISSIPPI!!!! I remember dan mueller and I going to taco bell and lookign at our receipts, and said aloud, "MISSISSIPPI" , because we had no idea where we were.......people looked at us funny, but then again we were wearing pajamas...

Jeff Decker