Thursday, March 05, 2009

Volunteer. Do it now!

I'll be at camp this weekend waiting to hear from people that want to volunteer for the Cooktruck this summer. Or from people confirming their dates. Or from people that want to know, "How does this Cooktruck touring work?"

The new Cook Calendar 2009 is posted on the right under "Links". Take a look to see when we can use your help. I'm sure we're close to you at least once this summer - probably twice.

Can't be at camp? Not a problem, just an inconvenience. You can email me. I'm listed on the right under "Email us". Can't find that? Go to the Colts home page and check out the "Volunteer" tab. My address is listed right there in the second paragraph. Still can't find it? OK, here it is

Looking forward to seeing lots of you this weekend and hearing more of the ballad.


1 comment :

Anonymous said...

This empty cooktruck makes me feel sad. Can we get this truck on the road?