We are in Oelwein, IA
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View May 31 in a larger map
Today's Menu
Meal 1
Banana or apple
Meal 2
Choice of hamburger or chicken patty
Tater tots
Cut veggies
Meal 3
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Meal 4
Today's Schedule
8 a.m. Wake
8:10 Breakfast
9 Stretch
9:30 Vis
12:30 Meal 2
1:30 Sectionals
5 Meal 3
6 Warmup
6:15 Ensemble
7:15 Water/dress
7:30 D&P
8:15 Rehearsal
9:15 Eat/pack/load
11 Depart for Manchester
Today's Cooks
Barry M, head cook
Carole, head cook leaves today
Jim J
Kathy L
Margaret P
Deb H helps
Peggy F helps
Betty and Loras H help
Today's News
It's a beautiful sunny day in Oelwein. We're sad to see Carole leave today; she didn't have time to make all the yummy things she wanted too, but we've had a lot of great food this week. Thanks Carole! Barry is starting as head cook today.
We're already setting out Lost & Found. How can there be so much unclaimed stuff after one week? Looking forward to a great day of drum corps!
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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