Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today is Tuesday, May 26; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in Platteville, WI

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View May 26 in a larger map

Today's Menu
Biscuits and gravy

Meal 2
Chicken sandwich
Green beans
Seasoned fries

Meal 3
Italian Cheeseburger Bake
Lettuce salad
Garlic toast

Meal 4
Pretzels with cheese
Snicker salad

Today's Schedule
7:20 a.m. Wake
7:30 Stretch
8 Breakfast
8:30 Staff meeting
9 Vis/guard sectionals
11:30 Percussion in vis
12:30 Brass as percussion meal 2
12:45 Guard meal 2
1:35 Vis
1:50 Guard sectionals
3 Sectionals
5:30 Travel to Meal 3
5:35 Meal 3
6:35 To Stadium
6:40 Vis
7:30 Warmup
8:15 Ensemble
10 To Fieldhouse
10:10 Snack and shower
11:30 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Carole, head cook
Jim J
Luba S
Bill S
Lisa M
Penny D
Jim K
Al B helps

Today's News
The corps arrive just about on time in Platteville for the start of cornfiled tour, after a spectacular performance on a spectacular day in Dubuque. High clouds with some sun breaking through are high temps in the high 60s provided a perfect day for a parade.

The corps actually looked to be having fun on the parade (not always their first reaction to parade marching) and the crowds in Dubuque were large and appreciative of the color and sound provided by the corps. The corps played the same music (with some minor cuts) that the Colts played in the inaugural parade in January.

The Colts played through their entire 2009 show "Fathoms" at the Memorial Day observance in Washington Park in Dubuque before going back to the Colts Center for a corps meeting and departure for Platteville.

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Even though I didn't play 76 trombones, I'm sure the corps enjoyed that at least 100 times more than Star Spangled March.

Mariachi 06-07