Monday, August 01, 2005

Today is Monday, Aug. 1; it's a show day

We are in Charleston, WVa.

Photo from Cedarburg, WI by Rod R.

Click HERE to open a full-size image in a new window.

Weather report and forecast for Charleston

Click for Google map of Charleston. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu

Salads!!! Including:
Chicken salad, Egg salad, Pasta salad, Broccoli salad, Fruit salad

Black beans
(something else really good, but I could not make it out - bad cell connection!)
Daiquiri pie

No snack today

Today's Schedule
8:20 Wake
8:45 Stretch/Run
9:30 Breakfast (and bring gear to busses)
10:30 Visual
12:00 Sectionals
1:00 Ensemble
3:00 Lunch/Pack/Load
4:45 Leave for show site
6:30 Warm-up
7:57 Perform!
8:30 Dinner
9:45 Load
10:15 Depart

Today's Cooks
Charlotte (Head cook)
Rich B.
Beau M.
Carol A.
Barry M.
Jim J.
Diane H.
David S.

Today's News

Welcome back Lauren for uniform fitting going into finals! She's already busy making those nips and tucks before finals.

The run through last night was fantastic, David said. Tom Lizotte is working with the corps and his presence is electrifying. David says the kids have a "take no prisoners" attitude! They are in great spirits. Word on the street is the the drum corps world continues to take notice of the Colts, even if the scores don't indicate it as of yet! GO COLTS!!

It's "be nice to cheerleaders day" today, since the corps is sharing the high school with a huge cheerleading camp!

Last night the Wal-Mart run was late (midnight). The kids had a blast as usual (it's the little things!). They made quick work of the shopping, as Wal-Mart kept extra staff on just a little later for them.

If you are planning to come visit the Colts at any time now through the end of finals, WE NEED GATORADE!!! Anything you could bring would be a great help. It's still hot, and the kids really need it. We are on our last box!! Thank you for all the donations that keep coming in!!! You're the best!

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys...check out article on Colts (a really good one) and a DCI interview with Samantha Smith of the Colts....

I am faithfully watching scores and am so jealous of all who are still on tour. To all my fellow cooks...feed them well, they deserve everything you've got!

Anyone who can get close to the schools they are staying at...please do bring GatorAid and is so necessary with the heat! The kids are in great hands with the cook crew on right now...the "cream of the crop" as they say are cooking and caring for them.

With David Speer there and taking pictures the last two weeks should be "picture" perfect.

GO them what you are made of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jody Glow

Anonymous said...

I did want to leave a note that totally agrees with Jody and her earlier comments posted about the bittersweetness of leaving tour and going back to the "Real World". Just coming off tour and getting back into the working routine is no where nearly as rewarding as working for the Colts membership and staff.

The parents I worked with on the Cook Truck last week made for a tremendous team, and I feel lucky to be a small part of that. It truly was a great time getting to know them ---weellllll except for the threat of being designated a Peach Pit for a day..... sometimes we really get punchy out there ----On the positive side we really did have time for fun, inspite of the heat and the travel distances we covered.

PS ....... If you run into Carole or Debbie -- you have to ask them about the "locking a set of keys in the van" episode in Connersville. That is worth a laugh each time you hear the story.

Most impressive though was the courtesy of the members and staff who went out of their way to say thanks for the smallest effort extended. They would make it a point of seeking us out to say they appreciate the work involved in preparing the meals, running to Home Depot for a replacement part to whatever broke, fixing a damaged shelf, getting uniform parts or locating misplaced items. There is nothing better than hearing that comment at the end of the day --- along with watching the final run-through of after a day of practice.

Thank you Colts - and see you in Foxborough for a Final's appearance

Tom T