Friday, July 13, 2007

Today is Friday, July 13; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Monroe, GA
It’s Iowa State Fair Day on the cooktruck

Click for weather report and forecast for Monroe


Click for larger interactive version of today's map.

Today's Menu

Frosted sticky wicky buns
Bacon, egg and cheese biscuits
Apple, banana or orange

Meal 2
Corn dogs
Jack’s salad

Meal 3
Meatballs on a stick
Baked beans
Orange sherbet salad

Meal 4
Iowa State Fair beef sundae
Cheesy green beans
Pound cake with peaches (thanks to Anne G.)

Photo by David S.

Today's Schedule
8 Wake
8:15 Stretch
8:45 Breakfast
9 Staff meeting
9:30 Drumline to buses for transportation to stadium
9:45 Vis
12:15 Guard and percussion to stadium
5:45 Dinner
6:45 Warmup
7:15 Ensemble
9:15 Snack
10:15 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Carole B, head cook
Polly H.
Judy H.
Cindy S.
Peggy N.
Pam W.
Donna S.
Mathilda D. arrives today

Today's News
The Colts couldn’t use the stadium where they are staying last night because the football team was using it, so the MAYOR OF MONROE found them another one to use. One with “huge, high bleachers” that gave the visual staff a wonderful look at the drill, Carole says. No wonder she says “we’re still being treated like royalty.”

She said the Colts look “absolutely breathtaking” and that there is still new stuff being added and refined. Cool.

Speaking of cool, it’s been really nice weather for the Colts in Georgia. “This is nothing like the Georgia weather I remember from two years ago,” Carole says.

In case you’re wondering, breakfast tomorrow is at 6:30.

Go Colts.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.


Anonymous said...

Big day tomorrow for the Colts...I have my pay-per-view all signed up to watch our Colts on the BIG (17" monitor that is) SCREEN.....

GO COLTS...some of us may not be there in person...but, we are with you in spirit!!!!!!

Hey COLTS...we will be having a Minnesota State Fair day food extravaganza coming up in a couple of weeks...Pronto we come!!!!!!


carol melson said...

Just wondering if the corps has received the spirit signs form the Melson family in Oklahoma. Just some good luck/thank you signs.

Looks like things are loking more and more awesome. Can't wait for tomorrows scores, and see the real thing in Dallas.

Drake the drummer's mom.