Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Today is Tuesday, July 4; it’s Chicagoland parade day

We are in Chicago, Illinois.

Photo by David S.

Click HERE to open a full-size image in a new window.

Weather report and forecast for Chicago

Click for Google map of Chicago. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu
Breakfast pizza
Fruit: choice of banana, apple, or orange

Sack lunch sandwiches and treats on the road

Pizza between late parades

Traditional 4th of July Thanksgiving Dinner
Turkey and dressing
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Fruit parfait (if they can find the pudding on the truck)

Today's Schedule
7 Breakfast
7:45 Corps meeting
8 Buses depart for parades
(as far as I know right now, the parade lineup is the same as posted on colts.org. If that changes before 11 a.m., I'll post a note. After that, we're off for Northbrook.)
There are sack lunches and water on the buses. (Cups courtesy of Bill)
Pizza before 6:30 parade.
9:30 Dinner (not snack)

Today's Cooks
Luba, head cook

Today's News

Happy Birthday Matt W. (aka Darkside)

Roger and Tom drive. Tom apparently hit every bump between Milwaukee and Chicago last night. He knows the territory. They got in about midnight, so there was some down time.

Cooks are cleaning and organizing today while the corps is off marching. And preparing a big turkey dinner.

IT'S A LITTLE KNOWN FACT: According to a notice on the side of the cooktruck today (courtesy of Mike R., I suspect) that, "On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed in a hurry so that they could get to a hot fife and drum show that night."

See some of you today along the parade route. Or come out to the school at dinner time.

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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