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Today's Menu
French toast
Meal 2
Lettuce Salad
Cheesy Biscuits
Photo by David S.
Today's Schedule
7:15 Wake
7:30 Stretch
8 Breakfast
9:30 Ensemble
11Meal 2, Pack, Load
12:45 Leave for Stadium
1:20 Warm up
3 Gate
3:24 Performance
Today's Cooks
Lori C, head cook
Jack W.
Lorrie M.
Jody G.
Donna M.
Today's News
Meals 3 and 4 will be determined by the results from the day show. Kids and cooks psyched about the new changes put in at Natalia. Go Colts!
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
We just watched the Colts afternoon performance online. Very nice! The opening soprano solo was great! Go Colts!
i also saw the show from the live webcast....one word: AMAZING!
WooHoo COLTS!!! 81.425 for the afternoon performance!! Can't wait to see "Round 2"!!! Congrats!!
I watched online as well - you all sounded strong, and your tone was great. Congrats on getting into tonight's show!!! GO CONTRAS
Donna S.
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