Sleep is overrated.
Greg Orwoll’s tour wardrobe really does come from the 3 for $10 T-shirt rack.
There really is a drum corps Yoda. And he likes tour food. At least he likes Colts tour food.
If you believe kids will make good decisions and do what they say they will, you’ll be right 90 percent of the time. If you believe kids won’t make good decisions and won’t follow through on things, you’ll be right 90 percent of the time. This says more about you than about the kids.
"Olaf" is Dutch for "Box 5"
Contra players do not go "beep, beep, beep" when moving in reverse, even though they can hurt you just as much as a dump truck if they back over you.
Breakfast should not come on a stick.
Cals with Beth are cool. Even for cooks.
Explaining drum corps to civilians is impossible but it’s sure fun to try.
In Minnesota, corn dogs are called Pronto Pups.
Sleep is impossible.
It doesn’t matter how cold the water is if enough time has passed since your last shower.
Drum corps attract rain like trailer parks attract tornadoes.
You don’t want to know what’s in the dressing.
Sleep is a figment of your imagination.
Brown is a drink flavor. As are Red, Yellow, and Purple. Red, Yellow, and Purple are easy. Brown should be attempted only by the most experienced cooktruck personnel.
"Sloppy Joe" is a flexible concept.
The definition of vegetarian varies from day to day.
Jell-O can be a dessert, a vegetable, or a salad. I haven’t seen it as a main course. Yet.
The first thing a corps member says upon awaking the first day at home is: "This is not a gym."
The second thing a corps member says upon awaking the first day at home is: "Where is everybody?"
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