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Today's Menu
Breakfast wrap
Meal 2
Sack lunch
Meal 3
Pizza party
Meal 4
Scalloped potatoes and ham
Photo by David S.
Today's Schedule
6:15 Wake
7 Breakfast
8:15 Corps A leaves for parades
8:45 Corps B leaves for parades
8:30 Meal 4
10 Depart
Today's Cooks
Lori C, head cook
Peggy F
Debbie L
Jeff V
Patty T
Jack W
Jody S
Rod R
Luba S
Pat R
Toni H
Brock L drives
Today's News
Thanks to the parents of Garrett and Laura C. who are sponsoring today's pizza party after the Northbrook parade for birthdays.
Seen on the side of the cooktruck: Kick ass. Love you all. Jude.
Seen on the side of the cooktruck: If you can't read this, we may have your contacts.
Parade day. Lots going on. Lots of on and off the bus. Lots of cook changes.
Oh, Happy Independence Day!
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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