We are in Fort Walton Beach, FL
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Today's Menu
Waffles and bagels
Bacon and sausage
Meal 2
Cockroach sandwiches (don't ask me)
Tater tots
Meal 3
Chicken Teriyaki
Craisin salad
Peas and carrots
Butter and herb rice
Meal 4
Bread Sticks
Photo by David S.
Today's Schedule
6:50 Wake
7 Breakfast
8 Rehearsal (unspecified)
11:30 Meal 2
12:30 Warmup
1:15 Ensemble
3:15 Meal 3/pack/load
5 Depart
5:45 Warmup
7:45 Gate
7:57 Perform
8:45 Meal 4
10:30 Depart
Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Jack W
Dale C
Sue H
Sebastian S
Shanna S
Amy W drives
Hugh C drives
Today's News
Please, please, please if you are going to be anywhere close to the corps over the next few days (Louisiana or Texas), please bring donations of fresh fruit. The cooks are out and are having to buy it on the road. Please help out if you can.
The corps rode out a "very, very large thunder and rain storm" yesterday before they could leave for free day. (I could hear the rain when I called to talk to Sebastian. A number of the cooks were closed up in the trailer to stay dry.) But the storm blew over and "then everyone went to the beach and now they are rehearsing again all day."
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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