Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today is Tuesday, July 15; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Abbeville, LA

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Today's Menu

Cream cheese

Meal 2
Leftover sandwiches
(chicken teriyaki, sloppy joes, salisbury steak, butt chops)
Marvelous mac & cheese
Bananas and grapes

Meal 3
Scalloped potatoes
Cole slaw
Green beans

Meal 4
Pizza ala Jody
Lettuce salad
Chocolate chip brownie

Photo by David S.

Today's Schedule
10:30 Wake (see notes below)
10:40 Breakfast
11:30 Visual
2:30-3:15 Brass lunch
2:45-3:30 Percussion and guard lunch
3:15 Brass sectionals
3:30 Percussion and guard sectionals
5:30 Meal 3
6:15 Warmup
6:30 Ensemble
8:30 Inside music rehearsal (no lights)
9:30 Body review (?)
10:30 Meal 4
11:30 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Jack W
Dale C
Sue H
Lisa M
Lori C

Amy W drives
Hugh C drives

Today's News
The corps was very late getting in after an overnight fuel stop inconvenience. So the cooks didn't get any down time at all after a 9:30 arrival and 10:30 breakfast. (Go cooks! You rock!)

No laundry today, since the corps had already decided to do laundry on their free day and continue to hit rehearsals hard.

Last night's performance was great, and I hear it was a little different start to the show. Don't know if I should give away the surprise or not.... They're working on a re-working of the closer today, reportedly.

A huge thanks goes out to John G for everything he's doing to help the corps this week. You're great, John.

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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