Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Today is Tuesday, July 1; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Varna, IL

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Today's Menu


Meal 2
Egg salad sandwiches
Fresh veggies

Meal 3
Refried beans
Fruit salad

Meal 4
Fish sandwiches
Tater tots
Really mustgoes

Photo by David S.

Today's Schedule
9:15 Wake/breakfast
10 Sectionals
1:15 Brass meal 2
1:30 Guard meal 2
1:45 Percussion meal 2
2:15 Brass back to field
2:30 Guard back to field
2:45 Percussion back to field
5 Meal 3
6 Ensemble
7:30 Dog and pony
10 Meal 4/pack/load
11:30 Depart for Milwaukee

Today's Cooks
Jody S, head cook
Rod R
Lori C
Pat R
Luba S
Toni H
Betty H

Two parents, Vicki L and Lori C (a different Lori C), dropped in to help. Thanks to all the volunteers!

Bill S drives

Today's News
The corps is working extra hard in this mid-season camp. They got the changes put in yesterday and are cleaning, cleaning, cleaning today. The new stuff is great, I hear.

A former guard member sent two big boxes of cereal for the corps -- Lucky Charms, CocoKrispies, and that sort. For variety.

The cooks organized a water bottle wash and bleach last night. Yum!

Parents donated and delivered today's milk for the corps. That's a really, really big help with milk prices these days. Thanks so much!

Last night's made-from-scratch bread dough pizza was a GIANT hit with the corps. The cooks made enough so that each Colt got two big pieces of regular pizza and a slice of fruit pizza too! Way to go.

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

1 comment :

GySgt Splitter said...

It's not June anymore!!! :) For Beth!