Thursday, July 02, 2009

Today is Thursday, July 2; it's a show day

We are in Vicksburg, MI

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Today's Menu
Meal 1
Egg McMonas
Fruit parfait cups

Meal 2
(Which the cooks are calling 'Gator take-out' since they have to load the meal up on the Gator and truck it to the rehearsal fields that are "about a mile away")
Cheeseburger pitas
Fiesta rice

Meal 3
Chicken teriyaki
Mashed potatoes

Meal 4
(with Colt Cadets)
Chicken nuggets
Au gratin potatoes
Veggies and dip
Some kind of treat

Today's Schedule
9 Wake/eat
10 Stretch
10:30 Vis
12 Sectionals
1:30 Meal 2
2:05 Ensemble
3:25 Eat/pack/load
5:25 Depart for show
6:25 Warmup
8:23 Gate
8:33 Perform
(The rest of the schedule is blank but there'll be another meal and they'll depart for Cedarburg, WI, at some point)

Today's Cooks
Peg L, head cook
Lisa M
Rod R
Cindy B
Kelli N
Mike N
Betty H

Paul D drives

Today's News
Happy Birthday, Laura C!

The cooks all said hi over the phone to all the parents, volunteers, and supporters stuck at home!

What happened to summer? This morning was cold and gray and it was starting to drizzle.

Gramma Mary helped out in the cooktruck for breakfast this morning.

Bring Gatorade. And more fresh fruit and veggies. The corps is eating the fresh stuff as quickly as it comes in the back door.

Peg said last night's show was amazing, with lots of new improvements in a single day. "It was so fun to watch," she said. "They were really on last night."

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

1 comment :

Jim J. said...

Egg McMonas! I love it. I thought I was the only one who still calls them that.