Thursday, July 30, 2009

Today is Thursday, July 30; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Schuylkill Haven, PA

Click for weather report and forecast

View july 30 in a larger map

Today's Menu
Meal 1
Bacon or sausage

Meal 2
Grilled cheese
Buttered noodles

Meal 3
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Peas and carrots

Meal 4
2 Butt chops
Fruit cup

Today's Schedule
8:30 Wake/eat
9:30 Stretch
10 Vis
1:20 Meal 2
2:20 Sectionals
6 Meal 3
7 Re-warm
7:30 Ensemble
9 Run-through
9:30 Eat/pack/load
11 Depart for MA

Today's Cooks
Jack W, head cook
Jim G
Patty G
Lisa P
Rob T
Diane H

Amy W drives

Today's News
Beautiful blues skies over Pennsylvania today. And cooler.

Olaf joined the cook crew last night after the show. "It's nice to be able to reach things without getting a ladder," Lisa said.

All the menus for the rest of the week (or the rest of tour, sounds like) include "oranges until they are gone." Thanks for the great donation!

The Colts are at another great school, although it was a bit of a hike from where the buses parked to the cooks' room. They only took necessities, they said. (I was almost afraid to ask what constituted 'necessities' at this point in tour.)

The cooktruck is on a hill which gives the cooks a bird's-eye view of rehearsals. Nice.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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