Monday, July 11, 2005

Today is Monday, July 11; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Des Moines, Iowa


The cooks' concession stand home in Waverly. Photo by Mike Ripley.

Click HERE to open a full-size image in a new window.

Weather report and forecast for Des Moines

Click for Google map of Des Moines. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu
French toast
Assorted coffee cakes/muffins

Fish filet sandwiches with cheese
Au gratin potatoes
Cottage cheese

Garlic bread
Lettuce salad

Sherbet and cookies
Assorted leftover snacks

Today's Schedule
8 Wake
8:15 Stretch and run
9 Breakfast
10 Sectionals
1 Lunch
2 Vis
5 Dinner
6 Leave for Wal*Mart
7:30 Vis in stadium
9 Ensemble
11 Snack
12 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Marlin (head cook)
Donna M.
Alan B.
John K.
Jim R.
Rosie S.
David S.
Dilan R. arrives

Guest cook Jody S.

Today's News

Happy Birthday Deanna M. Deanna's mom Donna handed out freezy-pops at lunch in celebration of Deanna's birthday.

Hot and sunny day. Not a real cloud in the sky or on the horizon. Somebody described it as "toasty."

A GIANT thanks to the band boosters at Saydel High in Des Moines. They brought in and served dinner last night. Homemade desserts, pork sandwiches, chips, yum. They were really excited about the corps being at their school and were wonderful hosts. Thanks to all that helped. Lots of other people have dropped off supplies for the Colts while we're here. Cool. Keep things coming.

Dilan Ross -- Colt in 2003 -- got in early this morning to help on the cooktruck and started right in at breakfast.

Kinda fragmented day for the cooks. The corps was going to Wal*Mart after run-through but a schedule change at lunch moved the trip up to right after dinner and added in a late snack. Lots of great help on the cooktruck is keeping it handled, though. Things are zipping along really well.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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