Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Today is Tuesday, July 5; it's a rehearsal day

We are in Waverly, Iowa


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Weather report and forecast for Waverly

Click for Google map of Waverly. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu

Philly steak sandwiches

Strawberries and ice cream

Egg rolls

Today's Schedule
9 Wake
9:15 Stretch and run
10 Breakfast
10:30 Staff meeting
11 Sectionals
Brass in stadium
Guard on scaffolding field
Percussion other field
1:30 Lunch
2:30 Vis in stadium
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Ensemble
9 Brass and guard dance in fieldhouse; percussion sectionals
10 Snack
11 Lights out (8 hours of floor time!)

Today's Cooks
Luba (head cook)
Jeannete L.
Bill S.
Mike R.
Marsha V.
Michelle T.
Peter H.
Alan B.
Wendy H.

Today's News

Lots of news from the weekend.

The Colts declared July 4 as "Hug a Brit day" so as to not hurt Charlotte's and Dan's feelings (They're from England).

It rained on the corps off and on during parades Monday. They marched and played right through it. They seemed soaked by the time the Speers saw them in Wheeling, but they performed to their best and made the parade for a lot of people in the crowd.

The corps arrived in Waverly about 5 a.m. today. Bill says they have a "spectacular" stadium to practice in at Wartburg College that is equipped with lights and "new, good, nice artificial turf."

The cooktruck is parked next to the concession stand outside the stadium.

The cooks, drivers, and staff were all assigned to the same sleeping room. Lauren negotiated better digs for the cooks in the concession stand so that they have a 20-foot walk to the truck.

Mike Ripely has been coming up with wonderful names for the drinks since he arrived on tour. On Sunday, the drinks were "Son of Bath Water" and "Wed Wascal." On Independence Day, they were "One if by land," "Revolutionary Bath Water," "Patriot Punch," and "Two if by sea." The overline was: "It's All Yankee-Doodle Dandy!"

Today's drinks are: "Fresh Morning Dew," "Revenge of Bath Water," "Red Rover, Red Rover," and "Imported Spring Water." Thanks for keeping the smiles coming along withe the drinks, Mike!

As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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