Saturday, July 09, 2005

Today is Saturday, July 9; its a show day

We are in Linn, Missouri


Click HERE to open a full-size image in a new window.

Weather report and forecast for Columbia

Click for Google map of Columbia. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu
Scrambled eggs and ham
Muffins - lemon poppyseed, blueberry, cinnamon, chocolate-chocolate chip

Chicken nuggets
Grilled cheese sandwiches for the vegetarians
Freezy pops

Hamburgers (2 each)
Tater tots
Leftover mac and cheese

Pulled pork sandwiches
Chilled fruit salad in cups
Leftover pasta salad
Cottage cheese
Birthday cake provided by Rose Ann Splitter in honor of LeAnn Splitter's 25th birthday (which was July 3)

Today's Schedule
8 Wake
8:15 Stretch and run
9 Breakfast
10 Vis
11:30 Sectionals
12 Guard snack
12:15 Percussion snack
12:30 Brass snack
1 Ensemble
3 Lunch, pack, and load
4:30 Leave for show in Columbia
5:45 Warmup
7:19 Gate time
7:30 Colts perform
8 Dinner
9 Load, pack
9:30 Leave for Des Moines - 323 miles

Today's Cooks
Marlin (head cook)
Bill S.
Luba S.
Donna M.
Michelle T.
Alan B.
Jim R.
Marsha, Peter, and Jeannette leave
John K. and Rose Ann S. arrives

Today's News

The schedule is a bit scrambled today because of the show schedule, with a "grab and go" snack in the morning and dinner after the show at the show site.

A little make-up here on some missed birthdays. Happy Birthday to (belated):
Jamie B. on July 2
Rachel G. on July 3
Matt W. on July 4

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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