Sunday, May 18, 2008

Look at the Cook Calendar ...

on the right, under Links. Thanks to all of the volunteers that have signed up. You've made this calendar look very good. YOU ARE AWESOME!! However we still need more help. If there are only 3 or 4 cooks listed, we need your help on that day.

On the other hand; if you are wondering what those big, green "F"s mean, that is when there is a full crew and cannot have any more cooks. Count them up and you'll see that there are 14 days when we have a full crew. That is 20% of the days we are on tour - a new record.

If there are days you can help, contact me at Thanks again to everyone that has volunteered. You are the main reason why we are known to have the best volunteers, and food program, in DCI.


(P.S. -- this is David -- This calendar looks so awesome!. You volunteers are the greatest. I don't even have to post the "guilt" entry I was preparing to get more of you to sign up. Also, everybody be sure to say a big "Thank You" to Bill when you see him at Memorial Day camp. He puts in so much work and time on coordinating all this. We really couldn't do this without him.)

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