Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today is Wednesday, May 28; it's a cornfield tour day

We are in Platteville, WI

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Today's Menu
Meal 1
Bagels or Muffins

Meal 2
Sloppy Joes
Tater tots

Meal 3
Mozzerella Chicken Patty
Garlic toast

Meal 4
Soup and sandwich
Chicken soup or tomato soup
Ham or turkey sandwich

Today's Schedule
7:50 Wake
8 Stretch
8:30 Meal 1
9:30 Vis - Guard on side field; horns and drums in Stadium
12:20 Horns and drums leave for kitchen truck
12:30 Horns and drums Meal 2
12:40 Guard leaves for kitchen truck
12:50 Guard Meal 2
1:30 Vis - horns and drums in stadium
1:50 Guard to side field
3 Sectionals
5 Leave for kitchen truck
5:10 Meal 3
6:15 Warmup
6:45 Music ensemble
7:20 Full ensemble
9 Vis
10 Leave for kitchen truck
10:10 Snack
11:10 Lights out

Today's Cooks
Luba S, head cook
Penny D
Patty T
Debbie L
Peter H
Christine B

Today's News
Cornfield: Day 2. Kids seem to be doing well, getting used to the walk back and forth to the UW-Platteville stadium. Improvements are still being made to the athletic areas, so there's some construction to detour around at times. A minor inconvenience.

Both the corps and the cooks seem to working out the kinks today. Just what cornfield is for.

It's warmer today, so thanks for sending the warm thoughts the cooks' way.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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