Monday, June 27, 2005

Today is Monday; June 27; it's a free day

We are in Sandusky, Ohio


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Weather report and forecast for Sandusky

Click for Google map of Sandusky. With Google maps you can zoom in and out on a location. Click and hold on the map to drag the map in the window.

Today's Menu

Egg casserole

Lunch and dinner on their own

Today's Schedule
9:30 Wake and eat
10:30 Sectionals and standstill runthrough
11:30 Pack and load
12:30 Depart for free day – Put-In-Bay or Cedar Point amusement park
10:30 Buses pick up from free day
11 Depart for Belding, MI – 247 miles

Today's Cooks
Polly (head cook)
Tom R.
Rod R.
Penny D.
Roger D.
Pam W.
Kim K.
Deb A.
Pat R.

Today's News

(Well, I forgot I was going to be gone today, so this is a little late…went to Connecticut and back today. From Des Moines. How can you forget you’re going to Connecticut….)

Sunny and hot in Ohio for the Colts for free day. Rod says his informal poll put the corps split at about 70 percent going to Put-in-Bay (because there’s shade) and about 30 percent going to the amusement park.

The cooks, the cook trailer and the equipment trailer were going straight for Michigan to get set up and await the arrival of the corps after free day. Have a good night’s sleep!

Rod says it blew up a big storm right after the Colts got loaded up and headed for the show sight last night and it had stopped before they arrived. He says the cooks and the crowd thought last night’s show was incredible, but the corps members gave a mixed review. Some said they had a great show; some said they had a bad show. One member review was that they had "too much energy" after three straight days of rehearsals.

As always, check for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.

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