We are in Naperville, IL
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Today's Menu
Eggs and pancakes
Chicken breasts
Tater tots
(Provided and prepared by the Naperville band boosters)
Potato salad
Cut veggies
Fruit salad
(Naperville band boosters, again)
Root-beer floats
Today's Schedule
7:45 Wake
8 Stretch and run
8:45 Breakfast
9:15 Staff meeting
9:45 Brass and guard transport (walk) to stadium; percussion on field near cooktruck
10 Horns and guard vis at stadium (about a quarter mile away through town); perc vis
1 Horns and guard walk back to school
1:15 Lunch
2 Meeting at truck
2:15 Percussion and guard to stadium; brass on field near cooktruck
2:30 Sectionals
5:30 Perc and guard back to cooktruck
5:45 Dinner
6:45 Full corps to stadium
7 Ensemble
10:15 Snack
11:15 Lights out
Today's Cooks
Polly (Head cook)
Tom R.
Rod. R.
Kim K.
Pam W., Penny and Roger D. arrive
Bill S., Rob P., and Bruce A. leave
Today's News
New head cook! Goodbye to Barry after 2 weeks of head-cook duties. Hello, Polly, through July 4.
Bill says: (I'm gonna miss his daily weather reports, but Rod will keep us filled in now) "Crappy day here. Hot as hell."
Lots of donations coming in from the Naperville band boosters and other people showing up with supplies. Bill says they now have two weeks' supply of strawberry jam and will serve it until it runs out. All sorts of other stuff showing up too. Thanks!
Lori Connolly came to help with the food drop on Thursday in Cedar Rapids and stayed to help out all day! Thanks, Lori.
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
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