Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ankeny gallery

A gallery of pictures from the Ankeny show featuring the Colts, Colt Cadets, and associated friends, family, and fans can be found under the '2006" link at right.


Anonymous said...


Fantastic pictures ... it makes me feel like I am there enjoying the show with everyone!

I love the chef hats on the cook crew...

Thanks...Jody G.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I should have said something earlier, but I'm so glad you have some very talented photographers on hand to keep me updated. My significant other is a first-year trumpet with the Colts and I've been dealing with the separation by looking for his face in every photo. Everyone is looking good, even you fine folks in the cooktruck! I'll be coming to see the Colts on the 30th and I'm bringing 320 cookies for you all to enjoy. Good luck!

Anonymous said...


As a head cook...thank you from the bottom of our cooking hearts...

Cookies, fruit, popcorn, candy, fruitrollups, etc...are all so welcomed.

As they say in the Colt world...
"You make it - they will eat it"..or something to that effect...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't know you guys could use popcorn, and I know my boyfriend Chris loves it. Let me know if you use regular popcorn or the microwave kind, and I'll see what I can do!

Bill said...

The microwave kind would not work out so well. We only have a very small microwave on the truck, so the that would take hours.

I'm pretty sure that Jody was talking about regular popcorn. And just to clarify - already popped, not the kernels.

Jody, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. You did a good job of it last week on tour with me.