We are in Dubuque, Iowa.
Photo by David S.
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Today's Menu
(Menus subject to change today since the food drop got there while I was talking to Jody and they were practically out of food when she was planning today)
Blueberry muffins
Bananas and oranges
Fruit salad
Veggies and dip
(subject to change due to laundry and Charlie Daniels concert scheduluing)
Butt chops
Mashed potatoes
Green beans
Up in the air
Today's Schedule
8 Wake/stretch
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Warmup
10:30 Ensemble
1 Lunch
2 Laundry
5:30 (or so) Dinner
Rest of the schedule subject to change.
Today's Cooks
Jody S.
Today's News
Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn Summitt, Tom Mueller, and Kendall Kruse.
The Colts open tonight for the Charlie Daniels Band as part of the center stage main concert at the 2nd Annual "America's River Festival" to be held at the Port of Dubuque.
There's a food drop today in Dubuque. I'm sure the cooks are ready for a re-supply for the last week of cornfield, since they were down to green beans and mandarin oranges. The first competition is just over a week away.
The performance last night in Delhi with the Colt Cadets was great. "It was really nice to see a performance in uniform this early in the season," Jody says.
The corps got to Dubuque Senior just fine early this morning after the Wal-Mart stop. It was a short night for the cooks with the bus trip from Delhi, the shopping stop, and getting set up in a new spot. It was raining this morning when the cooks got up and was "still kind of drippy" by mid-morning.
Note on the cooktruck from Gramma Mary: "Colts, I've never been so proud to be a part of you as I have this year."
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
1 comment :
Went to see the Colts perform for the Dubuque Riverfest tonight.They performed for a large crowd and as always they were GREAT.The many parents at the show were proud and cheered loudly..
The second week of cornfield is quickly coming to an end and I want to say EXCELLENT job to the cooks Jody,Vicki,Patty,Delora,and Tom. Plus the local volunteers who stopped to lend a helping hand.. Thank You for all your hard work.
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