Thursday, June 04, 2009


An un-named cook tries to rest between meals. Bread racks can be comfortable if you're tired enough.

Jim J


Alf said...

O yes you sleep anywhere, even in classrooms between bookshelves !!

Picture is still hangin' at my work, put there by collegues.

Great to see these life updates, feels like still being a with my dear fellow cooks.

Anonymous said...

I remember that picture Alf - always wondered how you squeezed into that little spot. And yes, you CAN fall asleep anywhere when you're on tour and are dead tired... Luba

Erin said...

Thanks Jim for the mobile updates!! Hope you are having fun over there :o)

Anonymous said...

when I cooked for Knights Drum &
Bugle Corps, I fell asleep on sidewalk and whole corps marched over top of me and I did not know it. YES. you can fall asleep anywhere when you are cooking for a drum corps. Thanks so much cooks.