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Today's Menu
Meal 1
Cinnamon French toast
Meal 2
Cauliflower salad
Meal 3
Lemon pepper chicken
Tomato basil rice
Cheesy biscuits
Green beans
Meal 4
Ice cream sundaes
Today's Schedule
8 Wake/eat
9 Rehearsal (guard on field/brass and percussion sectionals)
10:30 Symphony conductor with brass
12 Meal 2
1 Guard on field; brass and percussion sectionals
3:30 Depart for symphony
? Return
? Dinner
? Depart
Today's Cooks
Jody G, head cook
Ann J and Julie S arrive
Judy H leaves
Luba S
Cindy B
Lisa M
Rod R
Beth M
Bill S and Paul D drive
Today's News
Happy Birthday, Don L and Amber N!
Food drop today. Rod says he was in the freezer loading and arranging from 6:30-10:30 this morning. "I've never seen so much food in my whole life," he says. "You can take one step inside the freezer, then boxes everywhere." As the cooks say, they store all their men in the cooler. (Hope I didn't give away any secrets.
Left Normal about midnight and arrived about 5 a.m. The corps got some floor time but many of the cooks stayed up getting ready for the food drop. I'll bet there are some naps during the symphony concert this evening.
As you may have heard, the Glassmen drum and bugle corps had an accident with their volunteer bus. Last night in Normal, after they performed, the Colts stayed in uniform and arced up near the Glassmen's trailers. When the Glassmen came off the field after they performed, the Colts played their corps song "Morning" for the other corps in a show of support. A very cool, very "Colts" thing to do. "It was a nice way to honor them and support them," Rod says.
The Colts show in Normal was a good one, with a great crowd response. The Colts, always crowd pleasers.
As always, check colts.org for the latest official word on tour news, housing sites, mail drops, or other corps information.
The executive director of the Glassmen had very nice comments about the Colts performing "Morning" for them on their website. I had the privelege of seeing it and was very moved by the gesture. Way cool! Becky K
That is one of the things that make me love this activity and the Red Team even more. Knowing where we all go through at difficult times, knowing that small things make a big difference.
"Big" fan and so proud.
Olaf "Alf" Nahon
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